Sunday, December 21, 2008

You might be a redneck...

... if you pull your child around in the snow in his laundry basket or... make him pull you!!!

The party moves to our place

Wow! This is looking out our front door...TONS of snow!

Dylan looks WAY too happy with his gift certificate for a bottle of
red wine!!
Caleb and Uncle Aaron... too cool.
Caleb's first lime
Once we realized the power was going to be out for some time we moved the party over to our house. We had a non-traditional Christmas meal of chicken enchiladas, Aunt Connie's world famous tamales, scratch margaritas and homemade sangria! YUM! Caleb decided to try a lime for the first time. He ate two slices but we aren't sure why as he didn't REALLY seem to enjoy either one of them! We also did a white elephant gift exchange in which Paul ended up with a gift certificate to a nail place and Dylan got a bottle of red wine... hmmm.

In the dark

We showed up to Grandma and Grandpa Rus' house for the Rus family Christmas gathering on Saturday evening and... they had just lost power. We hung out in the dark for awhile until we realized that it wasn't going to be a quick fix for PSE. These pics were both taken in the dark...

More snow pictures...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snowing in Olympia

Kevin had the day off from school today because of the snow. We all headed outside this morning to play.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snowing in Seattle

We took our annual trip to Seattle this weekend to get pictures with Santa at Nordstrom. Judy, Wings and I did some shopping. Caleb, dad and Grandpa went swimming. And Caleb rode on the carousel with Emily. Of course we played poker and had a few beers (or glasses of wine). It started snowing on Saturday evening. It was beautiful with all the Christmas decorations and lights.