Kevin walked into our bathroom last week to find Caleb going #2 in the toilet. Caleb says to dad "Dad, I peed in the shower". Kevin says "But you aren't even in the shower. You can only pee in the shower if you are in the shower and the water is running" So, Caleb peed in the shower then hopped on the toilet to poop. What a NUT!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
This is the shopping cart Caleb got from Grammy and Poppy for Christmas. Obviously a big hit!! I snapped this picture about a half second before the whole thing came tumbling over!
Posted by The Rus Fam at 3:23 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Day
Christmas Day started out back at the Rus house with the Fode's. After breakfast and some play time we headed to Eatonville to celebrate the Barnard Christmas.
"Just what Winky ALWAYS wanted!" exclaims Caleb. Winky is his Zhu Zhu pet hamster. :)
Eli's new books from Auntie JJ and Uncle Rick
Ivar's gift cards - the PERFECT gift for mom and dad!!! Nice work Stumphs!
Eli and Auntie Kelly
Ezra and his grabber claw! A perfect gift for him!
Posted by The Rus Fam at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve
The boys with the Rus grandparents - Nana & Papa
The boys with the Barnard grandparents - Grammy & Poppy
All of the grandparents
Caleb playing the Fode's ipad. He loves playing 'Angry Birds' and an airplane game and TOTALLY has the whole touch screen figured out (way better than his mommy does!).
Grammy snuggling a sleeping Eli
Uncle T and Caleb opening the gifts from Uncle Ken & Aunt Nancy. They got these really cool "block" cars that you can take apart and put back together and interchange the parts. Uncle T got the blue car and Caleb got the green one. AWESOME gift! Both guys enjoyed them!!!
Nothing says 'Merry Christmas' like a Busch tall boy. CLASSY!
Playing 'Operation'. Caleb had to wear ear protection since the buzzing was too "woud" for his ears! :)
Posted by The Rus Fam at 5:03 PM 0 comments
And the winner is....MISSY!!
Christmas Eve was spent eating, unwrapping a ton of gifts and playing poker (what's new?). Once the kids went to bed we played poker for a few hours. We played a marathon game of baseball (WITH rainouts!) which lasted forever and had a HUGE pot (a little over $100!). And who should win it...Me! I was so shocked! It seriously took me a few days to feel comfortable taking $100 of family money. But, hey, SOMEBODY had to win!!!
Missy : "I won??? What???"
Kevin: "YEAH!!!! You won!!". Missy: "REALLY?"
Me with my full bag!! Aaron with his not-so-full anymore bag. :)
Posted by The Rus Fam at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Getting our tree with Grammy and Poppy
Posted by The Rus Fam at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Preschool Christmas Projects
These are the projects that Caleb made at Good Shepherd preschool this year for our family. Thank you sweet boy!
Posted by The Rus Fam at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Kevin and I have started a long-term Scrabble game. First person to 10,000 points is the winner. Eli was up helping out last night.
Posted by The Rus Fam at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 13, 2010
Posted by The Rus Fam at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Lunch with Sherry & Brody
Brody came over this morning for a few hours so that Sherry could volunteer in Courtney's classroom. When Sherry arrived to pick up Bro she invited Caleb out to lunch at McDonald's with them. Of course he wanted to go!!! Sherry said when they got up to the counter at McDonald's she asked Caleb what he wanted to eat and he asked the lady for a "knuckle sandwich"!!! Hilarious! I think he ended up with his second choice...a burger and fries!
Posted by The Rus Fam at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Santa Pictures at Nordstrom in Seattle
Emily, Russ and Wings
Daddy and Caleb
Eli liked Santa
Caleb letting Santa know what he'd like for Christmas...a marvel machine (a marble maze toy) and a jet airplane
Posted by The Rus Fam at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 10, 2010
Bible Study Christmas Party
The 2010 Bible Study Christmas party was held at our house this year. We ate way too many hors d'oeuvres. Rayna put together our "year in review" video and it was usual! Thanks Rayna! Another year with amazing friends. We are so blessed!
Jessie eating dinner
Jerad and Missy
Luke...what a dork! :)
Eli and John
Jerad and Jill year old!!!
Posted by The Rus Fam at 2:05 PM 0 comments