This year Christmas Eve and Day were spent in Eatonville at Grammy and Poppy's house. My sisters and their families were all able to make it so I got to enjoy my whole family! Caleb LOVES to spend time with his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. He had a wonderful time... and was completely worn out by Christmas morning!

Pop's early Christmas present from Rick & Jamie... a RC helicopter.

Watching the helicopter... Barry and Caleb.

Surprise...it's another Frosty Friends ornament... Dad has been collecting them for over 20 years.

2009 Frosty Friends

Sword fighting

Uh, oh. Pop lost his sword!

Reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' with Auntie Kelly, Uncle Barry and Seth

Poor Barry...it's not the easiest story to read but the boys loved it!

Getting cookies and milk ready for Santa's visit

Santa is gonna be happy with his cookie selection!
CHRISTMAS MORNING... Happy Birthday Jesus! Thank you for your gift of LOVE!

Grammy & Auntie JJ

Matching drills


Seth is excited...but what is it?

And it is... matching 70th Anniversary Red Ryder BB guns!!! YES!!! Do they need any more gifts after this?

Grammy does... and she gets a Wii!! Just what she always wanted but her grandsons are happy!!

Seth had the best expressions this year! Not only did he LOVE his gifts but he loved everyone else's too!! What fun! This is his Bakugan set from Uncle Rick and Auntie JJ.

Ezra made Grammy and Poppy a decorated tile... what a sweetheart! Seth made one for Kevin and I!

Ezra and Seth were great at assisting Caleb with the tough task of unwrapping his gifts!

Opening Legos from Auntie JJ and Uncle Rick.

Mom's REAL present from dad. Though I'm sure she thought the Wii was cool too!!
Still hugging after all these years!!! :)

Yes, TOOLS from Auntie JJ and Uncle Rick!!!!

The goggles pull on his eyes and make them look weird... hilarious!!!
CHRISTMAS AFTERNOONAfter opening gifts the guys headed out into a beautiful sunshiney day to shoot BB guns. We had a late lunch over at Uncle Rick and Aunt Linda's house with almost our entire family (minus the Stumps and Korrena's family). it was so nice to have us all together under one roof... it so rarely happens anymore.


Seth's new scooter

CHRISTMAS NIGHTI've always loved my mom's gingerbread cookies! This year she got the dough ready before we arrived so that the grandsons could decorate and "make" their own gingerbread men.

Ready to start decorating.


Seth & Ezra usually see if they can completely cover the gingerbread man with candies and raisins... this year we gave them each a limited amount.