Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Gingerbread Cookies

Each year the boys make gingerbread cookies with Grammy.  They are my favorite so I always encourage this tradition!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mr. Muscles!


Opening presents in Wenatchee

A tower of gifts from the Fode's!!
Excited to open the first gift from the tower!

Daddy is excited too!
A HUGE rainbow of Lego's!  YES!!!

Caleb LOVED his Lego's that Auntie Wings found!
The big boys (Eric, Aaron and Kevin) got to work building right away!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Eli refers to himself as E-I-O.  Here is the silly boy drinking juice from a coffee mug in his jammies.

Monday, December 17, 2012

First snow of the year

Watching the first snow fall down through the back window

Preschool Christmas Concert at Good Shepherd

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Cambodia Team 2013

I'm headed to Cambodia with this group in about a month.  Looking forward to it and glad my boys will be in such good hands with family and friends.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Wii Bowling Master...Caleb!!!

Check out the score!  Caleb - 222 points and Daddy - 166 points.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reading in a box

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Decorating the Christmas Tree


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Tree

Grammy & Poppy joined us today while we got our Christmas Tree at Ames Farm.

Caleb loves our Christmas tree adventure.

I love it too...especially when we manage not to get rained or snowed on!
 Still searching...
 A tiny tree...that's not the one.
 This one is just the right size!
Eli...pretty much just happy to be here!
Waiting in the warm, dry car while daddy ties the tree to the roof of the van.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Thankful Heart

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Yucky Pogo

Whenever Eli poops Papa says "Yucko Pucko!!".  Eli's version of this is to say "Yucky Pogo!!" whenever he gets a poopy diaper changed.  :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Josh's Wedding...a family reunion!

 Ezra and Caleb calmly waiting for dinner!
 Sweet Caleb
 Auntie Kelly and Eli...great smiles!
 Eli LOVED the dancing!  Here he is stealing the bride!
 Poor Josh!  This was funny!
Grammy & Eli

Friday, October 19, 2012

A very good plan

Today Caleb was watching the birds eat the seeds out of our sunflowers.  He said "I wish I was a bird."  And then he told me a couple of reasons why.  I said "That would be really neat but God decided to make you a boy."  He was quiet for a moment and then looked at me and said "That's because God has a very good plan."  Indeed he does.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

It's that time of year again.  The time of year when we ask Papa  to come over to carve pumpkins with the boys since Papa is an expert pumpkin carver.  Here is the finished product.  Complete with scary eyes!

Friday, October 12, 2012


Recently, Caleb has gotten more into drawing. Here are two of the latest pictures he made at preschool.

This is: Miles, Caleb and Eli playing the tambourines.
 This is: Caleb with a parrot on his shoulder and Papa.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Today was gorgeous so we headed out to enjoy the last of the dry fall weather at Schilter Family Farm.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

USA puzzle

Thanks Grammy & Poppy for such a cool floor puzzle!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This morning I was telling Eli that his humidifier helped him when he has a cold (like he does right now).  He thought for a second and then said "Jesus help me?"  I replied "Yes, Jesus does help you."  And then he smiles real big and says "Thank you Jesus!"

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Coffee & Carwash for Cambodia

 Brody and Missy
 Courtney and Jessie
 Jo, Seth and Dane
 Jerad and John.  Notice Jerad rocking his "salmon" shirt!  The Benders came straight from church to help out.
 Jordyn...the sweetest girl ever.  She takes after her momma, of course!
 Brody, John, Scott and Jamie.
Bro, Scott and John.

Sherry wearing her Living Water shirt...between her sign and her shirt she was bright enough to get people's attention!

Sherry and I are headed to Cambodia in January for 2 weeks on a mission trip with Living Water.  Pastor Tim will be leading our team of 17.  To raise funds we put on a coffee and carwash fundraiser.  Thanks to Kasha for the idea!  We held the carwash in Coldwell Banker's parking lot, across the street from Capital Perks.  All proceeds from noon-4 at Capital Perks were donated to our trip.  Thank you Gene and Kasha!  I am so blessed by such awesome bosses who have also become friends!  We raised about $450 at the coffee stand and $450 at the carwash and another $450 just in checks written specifically for Sherry and me. The Oly High Girls Soccer Team pre-sold carwash tickets and raised another $200! We raised about $1700 total.  A huge success! Thank you to Tessa and her soccer teams!  Thank you to Kasha and Gene for making coffee, holding signs, donating lollipops and being such a blessing to my life!  Thank you to the Nickel Family, Jo and her boys, Scott, Jerad, Jordyn and Jessie, Courtney and Brody for washing cars.  Thank you to Nana and Grammy for holding signs.  Thank you to the Doyle family for getting coffee and both vehicles washed AND helping out by holding signs and washing cars!  Thank you for the folks who stopped by to get coffee, a car wash or just to donate to our trip! And thank you God for a beautiful sunny fall day, an amazing turnout and the opportunity to serve you!