Oh, what a wonderful weekend celebration of Jesus' resurrection! We traveled over the mountains on Friday night for a weekend at the Fode's new home. We arrived pretty late so the boys were quickly put to bed. Nicole and Brian were there and so once the kids were off to bed...it was time to play poker! The next morning, Wings, Nicole, Caleb, Eli and I met Shelley, Tom and the kids at Saddlerock Presbyterian Church (the Fode's church) for an Easter Egg Hunt and cookie decorating Russ, Brian and Kevin were at the Country Club playing golf.

After that we headed home to eat some lunch and then Wings sent the ladies and Tom off to my favorite store" Out on a Whim". It's a great recycled home goods store in downtown Wenatchee. I love it because they have a ton of cute stuff for great prices! We had to return by 3:30 because we had another Easter Egg Hunt at Russ and Sheila's neighbors house. The adults were encouraged to participate in this one. The kids even found numbered eggs that they turned ion for prizes at the end of the hunt. Caleb won the grand prize...a Mister Potato Head hot potato game! It was a HIT!
The next morning we tried out a brand new church called Grace City Church. Oh boy! That place is on fire for Jesus! The service and testimonies were amazing and there were so many baptisms that we had to leave before they were all done.
Next we headed back for a delicious lunch and then it was time to start saying goodbye to Tom, Shell and the kids. We figured we had time for one more round of Texas Hold Em before we had to head out. And I am so glad we stayed since Kevin and I won 1st and 2nd place! We had an amazing time and are so very thankful for our family!
But most of all we are so very thankful for Jesus' sacrifice for us!
Thank you Lord for sending your Son for us!