Grandma Rus gave Caleb a haircut tonight. He was jealous at how glamorous his Mom and Dad were (see post below), so he wanted to join in the fun. He did not think the haircut was fun at all. Grandpa gave him a bath when he was done and that made everything alright.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Haircuts are fun
Posted by The Rus Fam at 7:52 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Kevin and Missy are glamorous!!
Missy had a great 31st birthday! She got a manicure and a pedicure and new coordinating shoes that matched her pedicure. (Talk about a jackpot). She also spent the afternoon at the spa getting spa'd. Then Kevin took her to dinner with friends. Best birthday ever! Well up there anyway.
Kevin is getting back into riding his road bike for fun and not just as a commuter. He is now such a finely tuned athlete that Missy insisted on taking his picture and posting it on a blog for all to see. Webster has asked to use this picture in the dictionary for a graphic of an 'athlete'. He will be using Missy's foot shot for 'glamorous'. Notice how the flower on her big toe matches her shoes.
Posted by The Rus Fam at 5:26 PM 2 comments
A Rooster, Grandpa and a Buckin' Bronco
Posted by The Rus Fam at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Ball and Chain '08
Posted by The Rus Fam at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Naked reading!
No post to go along with this. Just thought it should be posted, for not other reason than it is funny.
Posted by The Rus Fam at 3:39 PM 0 comments
The Zoo!
Caleb's cousins, Seth and Ezra, are coming for a visit while their Mom and Dad are taking a trip to Chicago. To prep for the visit Caleb and his Mom spent some time coloring.
The remodel to the zoo is finished and it is great! We got to see a squid dissection - gross! Eat lunch and watch an animal show - cool! and play on the same type of toys the animals play on - really cool!
Posted by The Rus Fam at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Poppy's Garden and the fair
Caleb spent the night with Grandma and Poppies. Grandma showed him where the raspberry bushes were, and then spent the rest of the weekend trying to keep him out.
Posted by The Rus Fam at 2:56 PM 0 comments
A Weekend with the Stumphs
We spent a long weekend with Rick and Jamie. Kevin and Caleb helped Rick haul dirt to level their back yard so they could put down new grass. Uncle Rick gave Caleb advice on how to always make sure you use some sort of power equipment when doing anything construction related. Caleb was just happy to play in the dirt!
Kevin and Rick had a little too much fun, well not too much, but a lot. Jamie and Missy spent a morning at the spa getting spa'd. They came back looking glamorous. Rick got a chance to demonstrate his sporting might on Wii tennis and then dominated Kevin again in a real round of golf. Kevin claims the injury to the foot hindered his normally stellar golf game. Caleb had a great time at the park. He can now go down slides by himself.
Posted by The Rus Fam at 2:40 PM 0 comments