Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Poppy's Garden and the fair

Caleb spent the night with Grandma and Poppies. Grandma showed him where the raspberry bushes were, and then spent the rest of the weekend trying to keep him out.

Caleb loves berries. His Mom and Dad are not a big fan of too many berries though. When not hunting down berries, Caleb had a great time playing in the garden.
When he got home from a night in the garden patch, Caleb got to go to his first fair, The Thurston County Fair, with his neighbors the Clarks and his Dad. It was a very agricultural weekend. The Thurston County fair for those of you who don't know, is the best fair in Thurston County. Caleb was amazed at the deputies on horses. He kept saying "Wow!" every time he would see them. He was also amazed by the pigs.
He spent most of the time with mouth wide open in amazement, taking in all the sights and sounds of a fair and pointing at things he thought were interesting - mainly the lights on the rides. He did like the petting zoo, but not because there were animals to pet. There was a pole and a cinderblock to stand on. Caleb's friend and neighbor Wood, had a good time at the fair too. Wood also proved to be a master at the giant slide.