Sunday, May 17, 2009

Caleb's SECOND 2nd Birthday Paty!!

Caleb's "Wonderpets" cake

Nana really knows what Caleb likes... Wonderpets!!
A cake each for Caleb, Dylan, Aaron and Kevin.
Celebrating all of the boys' birthdays
Uncle T helping Caleb blow out the candles
Caleb's second party was at our house on Saturday evening. Nana, Papa, Uncle T, Dylan and Connie came over for dinner, cake (4 of them to be exact) and presents. Judy made a cake for Dylan (whose actual birthday is May 9th). She made cakes for Aaron and Kevin since she was too busy to do so at their birthdays during session. And of course, she made one for Caleb. Oh, man we ate SOOOO much cake for days!!! And it was delicious! Caleb got MY favorite present at this party... a gift certificate for closet organizers for his room so we can organize his many toys!!!!