Three sisters at sunset - Hanalei Bay

Hanalei Bay at sunset

Kelly and Barry with their fruity drinks at Kalypso. Kelly's was called the Backscratcher... and came with one in her drink! I can't recall the name of Barry's drink but it looks pretty manly...probably the 'Terminator' or 'Stinky Gym Socks' or something like that.

Walk like an Egyptian... dancing at the condo.

Hanging on the beach after boogie boarding

Kelly on her boogie board getting ready to ride some waves

Kevin after boogie boarding

Jamie waiting for Kelly to join her in the waves.

No words for this priceless picture of Barry
Many have been asking to see some pictures of our recent Hawaiian vacation. We took so many that WE haven't even seen them all yet. I am just starting a photo album too. So, here is a sneak peek of our Kauai vacation...
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