We spent the first weekend in August in Lynden visiting Rick and Jamie. Caleb swam IN a boat, went to our favorite Lynden park, shopped at Macy's with mom and Auntie JJ (JJ got him a set of 10 new Matchbox cars), did "dude stuff" in Uncle Rick's shop with the guys and picked LOTS of blueberries.
Caleb helping JJ pick blueberries.
More picking... and eating!!
In Uncle Rick's shop
Drinking the dog's water (Nana will LOVE this picture Caleb!!!)
Watering the blueberry bushes... what a helper!
Caleb forgot the boat goes in the water and not the other way around. He also forgot his swimming suit. This picture is another of our "you might be a redneck" photos, especially since this in in Rick and Jamie's front yard... where the whole neighborhood got to enjoy the show!!
Jamie had to pose with a cute picture of Rick as a kid because most of his pictures look like...
...THIS!!! Love ya Rick!!
MMMMMMMM... the best raspberry pie in the world... from the Dutch Bakery in Lynden.
Jamie is VERY excited about her raspberry pie (as she should be!)
Eating a fudgsicle under daddy's watchful eye.
Brain freeze????
Watching tv with Uncle Rick.
Saying goodbye to 2014
9 years ago
Brain freeze is a carbon copy of the kevin face. Oh my!
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