Mom and Dad took the boys and me to Moses Lake to visit the Wemps this weekend. The weather was beautifully sunny and cold. We got to go to church, out for lunch and see Auntie Kelly's new Ford Flex. The boys and Poppy went fishing several times. And we made gingerbread cookies with Grammy. Kevin stayed home and got some odd jobs done around the house. I especially LOVE my newly painted kitchen!!! Thanks Kev!

Almost ready to crawl

Seth loves to snuggle Eli.

Posing for the camera with his fake smile.

Wrestling already!!

Eli is such a smiley baby!

The Fishermen. Poppy took Seth, Ezra and Caleb fishing several times this weekend. They all love it - especially Ezra. He starts asking to go with Poppy as soon as he wakes up. Poppy says he is a natural at fishing.

Getting sleepy playing with Uncle Barry.

Falling asleep on the floor with Uncle Barry...soooo tired.

Poppy being silly with his boys!

Eating Ezra's ears... :)

Making gingerbread cookies with Grammy. We decided to make gingerbread cookies this weekend since we weren't able to do it together at Christmastime. YUMMY!

Snuggle time for Poppy and Eli.

Decorating their cookies.

Barry & Kelly.

Waving at the tv! Caleb told the boys they should all wave at the tv when the screen goes black..since that is when they can see their reflections waving back! These three are so silly together! I love how much they enjoy just being together...especially with the age difference between them! What a blessing!

Grammy & Eli

The boys spotted a bald eagle flying over Moses Lake.

Droppin' an elbow...

Beautiful, blueberry-faced baby!
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