Monday, May 30, 2011


Nana does all three of the boys haircuts...Caleb, Eli and Kevin (even Uncle T and Papa!). Here is Eli getting his first REAL haircut (he's had a few trims before this).

Pink Rhody

I love the color of the pink rhododendron in our back yard. It is a huge old rhody...taller than the house. It really needs a major pruning but the color is so amazing that I can only bear to prune it a little bit each year. The bees LOVE it!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pink Eye

Somehow Eli managed to get Pink Eye this week. Luckily, the rest of us avoided it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Saturday, May 21, 2011


I call this move "The Flirtation". Eli pulls this one ALL the time. He'll tilt his head to the side and give just a little smile. He especially does this when we are out shopping and someone is smiling at him. :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Yard Sale Mascot

Daphne, Sherry and I had a yard sale at our house today. It went okay, not our busiest yard sale though. We entertained ourselves by dressing Eli up in a chicken Halloween costume that we had for sale. He made a cute mascot!

Bottom teeth

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Farmer's Market with Addison

Today was a pretty nice day so we were excited to find out that Dara and Addi planned to come to Olympia! We met them at the Farmer's Market for GREEN cookies, music, playing in the garden and the balloon man. Both kids got a snake on a "leash" from the ballon man. Caleb's popped and we had to go back for another (this time a fish on a fishing pole!). FUN day!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fun Ball!

Uncle Rick and Auntie JJ got Caleb a GIANT blue fun ball for his birthday! Caleb is excited! The fun ball is COOL! Waiting for daddy to blow the fun ball up with the air compressor...a LOUD process! Static electricity! Max and Caleb rolling around the yard.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Mother's Day 2011

To: Mommy

Love, Caleb

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New Swing Set!!!

The Fode's friends, the Sherrell family, were looking to get rid of their playset since their kiddoes had outgrown it. Luckily (for us!) the Fode's brought it over for our backyard AND helped set it all up! AWESOME!!!! We love you Fode fam!!

Snot bubble!!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Pop Gun

Caleb got a wooden pop gun from Grammy and Poppy for his birthday. He looks at me today and says "This thing pops like nobody's business!" Funny boy!

Caleb turns 4...a friend birthday party

Ready for Miles, Max, Katelyn and Brody to arrive! They are ALL here! Katelyn doing her pirate impersonation...hilarious! I wish I got it on video! Caleb and Katelyn reading Caleb's birthday card. A fishing pole from Miles! A guitar from Bro! Max Katelyn Miles

Thursday, May 5, 2011

4 years old and 9 months old

The boys both had a checkup with Dr. Belko today. Eli weighs 20 pounds and is 28 3/4 inches today at his 9 month checkup. He's in the 75th percentile for his age. No shots today! Yay! Caleb had to have a few shots but got over them quickly. He weighs 31 pounds and is 38 inches tall...he's in the 5th percentile for his age. He may be small but he is strong! Dr. Belko was impressed with both of the boys' muscle tone and was happy to hear that Caleb is outside playing every day. She said she could tell by his strong healthy body!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Caleb turns 4...a family birthday party!

We had a family birthday party on Caleb's actual birthday this year. Nana, Papa, Grammy, Poppy, Auntie JJ, Uncle Rick, Aunt Connie, Uncle T and his friend came to help us celebrate. Caleb and Auntie JJ picked out the birthday cake. An ice cream cake from Dairy Queen..yum! Uncle T helps Caleb blow out his candles! The cake is delicious...and long lasting!! Caleb was a little bit scared of the #4 sparkler so he sat with Poppy to watch it sparkle. Funny boy! New skateboard...trying it out with Uncle T. Going alone. Nana's reaction to Caleb's new skateboard.