The day before our Sun River trip I got sick. I figured it was just a one day thing and I could power through it so we headed down to Sun River Thursday evening after Daphne got off work. We arrived just a bit before midnight and tucked the kids in. I headed to bed while Josh, Daphne and Kevin unpacked the van. I never really got better and Eli joined in the fun with a fever one of the days BUT we had fun. Sun River is just the perfect place for a family vacation! Caleb and Kev had a wonderful time riding bikes, playing at the park and swimming! We rented a house from one of the families Daphne used to nanny for. It had three bedrooms, two baths, a hot tub and access to Maverick's (the local health club). We headed to Maverick's the first morning so the kids could swim. On Saturday I decided I was feeling well enough to venture out so our family went to the Nature Observancy while the Reaves family took a nap. Caleb had a great time doing a scavenger hunt on the nature trail and then trying to guess which poop belonged to which animal at the nature center afterwards! Our last day morning was spent riding bikes. Kev and Caleb explored all over the place. They went to the stables to see horses, saw some deer on the path and even a coyote hunting for its lunch! A busy morning! After an attepmt at a nap (neither of my kids wanted to have one!) we packed up and headed into the village at Sun River. There Coen and Caleb bounced in bounce houses and then we all went for icecream at Goody's. It was great to spend time with good friends but I was glad to be heading home to get some much needed rest.
Arriving at the Nature Obsevancy.
Saying goodbye to 2014
9 years ago
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