Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Messy snack

Nutella with apple slices...delicious but messy!

Monday, February 25, 2013

A disaster...

I clean Larry and Judy's house every two weeks.  While I am cleaning, the boys typically play with Nana and/or Papa.  Today while I was vacuuming, Eli said to me: "You can't vacuum in here, Momma."  I replied "I am done vacuuming in the playroom so no worries, Buddy."  His reply:  "If you vacuum in here it would be a disaster!!!  You would break me!"  Uh, ok.  Sometimes the way a 2 1/2 year old thinks is just too funny!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bath time?

Eli decided to use his hand soap to wash his hair at the bathroom sink while I made dinner tonight.  This is not a wet head but a soapy head!!!  I guess bath will be happening before dinner instead of after tonight.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Favorite Cambodia Pics

Our team (minus Billie and Mark who are both overseas and met us in Korea)
 Anyone want tarantulas for lunch?
Just in case you are unaware...  LOL!  This was posted in the bathroom at a gas station on our road trip from Phnom Penh to Chuuk.
 Rebecca and Hosanna - sisters who live at Chuuk.  I love these girls and their little sister and cousin, Leena and Lisa.
 Our bathroom at the hotel while staying in the town near Chuuk, Living Water's newest church/orphan home.
 Our bedroom at the hotel.
 The kitchen and gathering place.  Life is lived outside in Cambodia.  These kids were rarely inside.
Leena... she was shy and standoffish for quite awhile.  It took some work but we got her to smile.  
 My roommate  Charlene, can literally sleep anywhere.  She was  a huge blessing to me.  She taught me so many things.  She encouraged me and prayed over me.  And we laughed and laughed.  
Frank...building a wall like a pro!
Mixing concrete. ..by hand.  FUN!  :) 
 Impromptu lunchtime worship with the house pastor, his wife, and all the kids.  Precious.  I really learned how to worship God without worrying about what anyone else thinks from the kids in Cambodia.
Sherry and David.
Rebecca.  We were waiting at the market while Pastor Tim purchased 6 new bikes for the home at Chuuk.  The kids and a few of our team (Sherry, Frank, and Dee) rode the bikes back to the home with the rest of us following on the bus.  
 Mark  (photographer and videographer) and 'Sana.  Look at that adoration in her eyes!  
Khemera.  Our translator, project leader and sometimes even our bus driver.  This man can only be described as a deep well.  He is quiet but loves God with an intensity that surpasses language barriers.  
 Khemara translating while I speak a word of encouragement over sweet and silly 'Sana.

 At Prek Bey...  This girl was one of the 4 older girls who performed some traditional Cambodian dances for our group.  
 Praying over the entire group at Prek Bey...powerful!
Ted and Srey Mum.
Billie and friends.
 I found a new friend at Steung Somrong.  She was taking me to go see their piglets.
 Loving on kids with touch was a huge part of my "job" in Cambodia.  This is at Steung Somrong.

 Billie, Dee and I decided to hold hands with the kids at Steung Somrong as words of encouragement were spoken over them by members of our team.  They gathered in a group in front of us on the church's stage (here and at each home) and anyone who felt like it could speak to them.  Khemera would then translate to Khmer.  Often the pastor, his wife or some of his grown children would bless us by speaking their thanks and appreciation over Living Water.  Over and over I heard amazement and gratitude that our church returns with a team year after year...as promised.     
This is Chery's 2nd trip to Cambodia.  It is so emotional to return after a year to see the kids you love...and who clearly love you too!
Levi, as always, making the children laugh.  
The dancing girls, with Srey Mum singing at Prek Bey.
 The pastor at Kong Pixay...the smilingest man you have even seen!  And in the bottom left you see my face and the top of Srey Net's hair...we are meeting for the very first time.  This picture brings me great joy because I could not remember meeting her...I just felt like I had known her always.  Here is proof of us actually meeting.
 My beautiful girl, Srey Net.  
Pastor Tim always has a HUGE smile  (and usually tears running down his face) whenever we are visiting any of the homes.  His favorite part about going to Cambodia... the kids!  He and Dhana are such a blessing and inspiration...the way they lead, the way they love...I am so thankful for both of them!

Monday, February 18, 2013


Sometimes Eli reminds me of myself.  But never more than when he wants to get buried under his covers in bed.  He always asks us if he can get "under the cozies".  What can I say?  We like to be comfortable and cozy!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Marriage....sweet marriage!

Today at lunch Caleb and I were talking about what he learned this morning while I was at bible study.  He said he learned about Isaac and Rebekah getting married.  I asked if he wanted to get married.  He said that he did.  Then I asked who he wanted to marry.  He said "I coulda married you but you already married Dad".  So he decided he's not really sure WHO he will marry at this point.