Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mini Kevin???

Caleb seems to become more and more like his daddy every day. He baked a pie with Grandma Judy on Sunday (Kevin enjoys cooking and baking, I do NOT!). He also played the piano with Grammy while she was practicing during our last visit and he loves when daddy plays his guitar. Perhaps a rock star??? YIKES! I'm not sure how I feel about that. And of course Caleb is constantly in motion! His feet and hands and body move ALL the time. Just like his daddy. Of course, I do see a bit of me in there too. Caleb loves to sleep for 12 hours every night! That is a bit like me!! :) Okay, it is A LOT like me! He weighs 16 pounds now and seems to grow every day! And he is starting to eat rice cereal. We have his first attempt on video. What a mess! I think we'll try carrots this weekend...