Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas Eve 2008

Christmas Eve we headed to Grammy and Poppy's house in Eatonville. That night all three boys put out the reindeer food they had made (the red glitter they added made it look VERY delicious!) Seth had a giant blue bandaid across his chin from an earlier swinging accident. Always nice when mom wants to take a family picture. :)

The BIG boys took Barry's truck out to drive in the snow... somehow that was exciting for them. And the little boys each got to open one present. Caleb opened a giant dog from the Wemps... which he LOVES to snuggle! Ezra opened a stuffed ghost (which is seriously what he asked for - what a nut!) from the Stumphs. And Seth got K'nex.
We ended the evening with the the BIG boys THROWING the little boys off the coffee table onto a large stuffed gorrilla... isn't this the way everyone spends the night before Christmas? (Check out the look on Caleb's face as he flies through the air... priceless!)