Sunday, September 6, 2009

Words to Remember...

I thought I should write down some of the funny things Caleb's says right now... so we don't forget.

Often he will fake burp and then always says "skoo ski" (excuse me) He will even say this for daddy when he forgets to excuse himself after a burp!
Caleb has yet to master the word popsicle - instead he puts in one extra syllable so it sounds more like "pop-op-sicle".
When Caleb is delaying bedtime, hurts himself or wants to snuggle he asks us to "holdy", which I cannot resist!! He isn't much of a snuggler so I take my chances when they are offered!
Last Wednesday night Kev, Caleb and I were riding home from Aunt Connie's birthday dinner at El Sarape (where else?!?!) and I decided to ask Caleb if he knew how to spell "stop". I asked, he paused and then said S-T-O-P spells "stop" Seriously, Kevin and I were amazed!!! He should be reading Moby Dick within the next 6 months!!! :)
Caleb says "waterfeel" for waterfall; "suck skin" for construction vehicles and "mega moser" when he sees a motorcycle.