Sunday, July 24, 2011

Boating with Rick & Jamie on the Columbia

Getting ready to head out for dinner at the Longview Yacht Club with Rick's parents, Dick and Jan. Wish I would have gotten a picture of Kevin's "outfit". For some reason when he heard we were having dinner at the Yacht Club he just HAD to dig out all his 70's attire. And, yes, he wore it to dinner, gorgeous leather jacket and all! Rick's mom, Jan, was not sure if that was his normal attire and so didn't say a word when she saw us!!! FUNNY!!!!

Jamie and Eli
Saturday morning...a beautiful day already!
REAL professional Rick!
Eli doing what he does best...eating!
Jamie takes her position as flagger seriously. Notice she is drinking espresso so she doesn't fall asleep on the job!
Jamie and Caleb
Nice air Kev!
Jamie playing it safe by staying outside the wake.
Rick crashing into the beach!!! Hilarious! (Oh, yeah, and he was injuries!)
Fishing with Uncle Rick