Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Great Wolf Lodge!!!!

On the way home from our Moses Lake weekend I got a call from my friend, Stephanie. I couldn't answer because Eli had just fallen asleep and I did NOT want to wake him up! Stephanie then texted me to ask if my family might be interested in coming to Great Wolf Lodge with her family that afternoon. Well, yes we would be interested!!! We dropped Eli off in Eatonville with Grammy and Poppy and then headed home. Luckily, my tired Caleb fell asleep on the way home. After he woke from his nap we headed off to spend the night at Great Wolf. It was our very first trip there and it was AWESOME! Caleb had a blast! We played at the water park for a few hours and then headed up to our room to change into jammies and go out for dinner. While we waited for dinner the kids got to sit in the lobby and listen to story time. It was GREAT! The next morning we played at the park until we had to leave to go pick up Eli. What a wonderful surprise! We have awesome friends! Thank you Jacob, Stephanie, Ethan and Bella!